Okay, maybe not all...
I'll admit, I hate talking about myself, but get me started on writing, stories, ideas, inspirations and I won't shut up. I don't think you're really interested in hearing about my hometown and first grade teacher so, I'm just going to tell you a story and one day soon, you'll read my books.
Once upon a time a young mother sat with her son by their beautiful pool. The water was sparkling in the moonlight and they sat side by side on a swing, talking. The mother had just gotten home from her second shift job and, as was her custom on weekends, woke her son for a midnight swim. They'd laugh and swim and play until both were tired. However, this night was the first of his kindergarten spring break and the two could stay up as late as they wanted. Her son asked for a story and the mother began talking, weaving a story which lasted six nights. When it was time for school again, two things were clear: the son wanted more stories and the mother wanted to tell them.
She began writing, but was never able to capture the magic of the original story she'd told. Time moved on and occasionally she'd pull out her notebook and try again. It was many years and several states later when the mother's world began crumbling down around her and she remembered the magic of the stories. With the help of several muses, she began writing and never stopped.
To be continued - with the happily ever after part...